Saturday, October 31, 2009

6 Steps to Eliminating Your Credit Card Debt

It seems these days that everyone is drowning credit card debt. The biggest problem with credit card debt is that when you are there, credit card companies will do everything in their power to keep you there.

Did you know that it can pay up to 30 years, a credit card bill if you pay only the monthly minimum?


Do not be.

There are a few steps you canYou get to live on the road to a life without debt.

Reduce expenses: The first thing you need to do is to go through everything on your money and make decisions, what is important and what is not. Next out, if it is possible to reduce the amount that had to spend what you have chosen important. For example, when I saw my cable, Internet and phone bills, I spent more than $ 170 per month. Through contact with my cable company and the bundling of these services,I was able to reduce the bill to $ 99 per month. I was then able to use that $ 71 per month to be paid from an invoice.

Create a Budget: Now you have an idea of what you feel is important that you have to spend your money, you create a budget. Draw a line the length of the middle of a piece of paper. On the left side, right down all your costs. Make sure everything, including clothing and entertainment at. On the right side right below your total monthly net income (after tax). Subtract your expenses from your total income. When we left money, great! If not, the costs must be reduced further.

Pay your bills on time: Nothing will ruin your budget fast taken the first steps with late fees. If you are late paying a bill, contact your creditors and ask for an extension. You will most likely give it to you if you ask.

Pay more than the minimum: As I said, it will take nearly 30 years to one wipe> Credit card to pay, if only the minimum. You must always begin with the return so add a little extra to your payment.

Ask for a lower sentence: You will be amazed how many times your credit card companies are willing to lower your interest rate be surprised if you ask them simple. There is a primary concern is their money back so that it is in their best interest to keep you happy. Use the information to your advantage.

Find a lower interest rate card:If your interest assignment of the claim to a lower or zero interest card, you do it. To save a lot of money in interest charges alone. How do you cancel your old card, so you will not be tempted to use it and wreck more debt.

As you can see, credit card debt will be reduced or eliminated by just a few simple steps.

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